无锡南电电气有限公司成立于 2001 年,由原无锡市南电电气设备厂改制而来,是一家集科研、生产、销售、服务于一体的高新技术企业。公司位于鱼米之乡、无锡太湖之滨,距离沪宜高速(S48)阳山出口仅 1KM。目前公司自有厂房 10000 ㎡、办公场地 2000 ㎡。拥有各专业设备仪器 80 余台套。 公司主要产品包含:各类高低压串联电抗器、滤波电抗器、启动电抗器、磁控电抗器、自耦调压器、特种变压器、各类智能数显仪表、各类放电线圈等,同时代理国内外各大品牌高低压电容器。并通过电力工业无功补偿成套装置质量检验测试中心及电控配电设备质量监督检验中心的认证,公司严格按照 ISO9001-2008 质量管理体系的要求进行产品质量管理,保证产品安全可靠运行。 目前公司发展迅速,拥有一批经验丰富的高、中级技术人员和管理人员,其中技术人员占总员 工数 43%,拥有一批训练有素的技术工人;公司拥有绕线车间、铁芯加工车间、真空浇注车间、真空干燥注油车间、真空压力浸漆车间(VPI)、组装车间、综合检测中心等生产质量部门和一个技术研发中心。 目前我公司产品与国内外各大电容器厂商建立合作,并已加入多个省市电网,在各电力系统挂网运行多年,质量状态良好,深受用户好评。 我们愿以积极的态度、专业的技术、以人为本的服务理念,努力为广大用户提供更具性价比的优质产品;我们将以的产品性能、超前的服务意识、严谨及科学的工作作风,竭诚为广大用户提 供全方位的优质服务,竭力体现“客户上,品质”的经营理念。


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        Welcome you visit our website, products and services are currently the main 高压电抗器;低压电抗器;串联电抗器;并联电抗器;铁芯电抗器;油浸电抗器;磁控电抗器;自耦变压器;自耦调压器;空心电抗器;启动电抗器;电容器, if interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your message, it will will be the first time to contact you.

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    Our website has opened!

    Our main business "高压电抗器;低压电抗器;串联电抗器;并联电抗器;铁芯电抗器;油浸电抗器;磁控电抗器;自耦变压器;自耦调压器;空心电抗器;启动电抗器;电容器" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 胡埭工业园鸿翔路37号.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 李先生
  • 13951516778
  • 0510-83070199
  • 214037
  • 胡埭工业园鸿翔路37号